10 Interesting Star Trek Facts

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Read moreMyth: James Doohan was Scottish. In fact, Doohan was actually Canadian and a very successful voice actor before his role in Star Trek. When he was auditioning for the role of the ship’s engineer on Star Trek, he went over various accents for Gene Roddenberry for the character. After he finished, Roddenberry asked him which he liked best and he […]
Read moreToday I found out the famous Star Trek line “…to boldly go where no one has gone before” is thought to have been inspired by a passage in a White House issued pamphlet on space. Specifically, it is thought to be from this passage in the pamphlet, “Introduction to Outer Space“: It is useful to distinguish among four factors which […]
Read more##EMBED## Wil Wheaton did voices for various romulans in the 2009 movie Star Trek. This was kept a secret until fairly close to when the movie came out. In his own words: “JJ Abrams called me. It was an entertaining conversation; I couldn’t believe he wanted me to do work on his film, and he couldn’t believe that I wanted […]
Read more##EMBED## Both the Klingon language and the Vulcan language were initially very crudely developed by James Doohan, who played “Scotty” on the original Star Trek. Later, these languages were expanded and refined by professional linguists, primarily by Marc Okrand. Click Here for Sources and More Interesting James Doohan Facts
Read more##EMBED## Click Here for Sources and to Learn More Interesting Nimoy and Star Trek Related Facts Text Version Leonard Nimoy was the one to come up with the Vulcan nerve pinch. In the first episode this pinch showed up, Spock was originally supposed to club evil Kirk over the head, knocking him out. Nimoy thought this was inconsistent with Spock’s […]
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