10 Totally Random Facts Part-2

Embed This Infographic [Source: Today I Found Out] For Part 1 of this series go here: 10 Totally Random Interesting Facts
Read moreEmbed This Infographic [Source: Today I Found Out] For Part 1 of this series go here: 10 Totally Random Interesting Facts
Read moreText Version: The growth rate of your fingernails (and toenails) is related to the length of the outermost finger bones. Which is why your middle finger grows faster than that of your pinkey or any of your other fingernails for that matter. The same applies to your toenails. That is why fingernails grow up to four times faster than your […]
Read moreText Version: One of the earliest descriptions of the casino game roulette was described in the French novel ‘La’ Roulette, Ou Le Jour’, written by Jaques Lablee. Roulette is named after a French diminutive for “little wheel.” As many of you know, players place bets on either, single numbers or a range of numbers, the colors, or whether the number […]
Read moreText Version: The term “Speak of the Devil” is the shortened version of “Speak of the Devil and he doth appear. ” It comes from England in the middle ages,where it wasn’t used in such a light hearted manner. Back then, the phrase went along the lines of “Talk of the Devil” and as it was considered a superstitious belief, that […]
Read moreText Version: The Twitter Bird’s first name is Larry, as in Larry Bird. He’s named after the hall of fame Basketball player Larry Bird, who played for Biz Stone’s (the founder of twitter) home team, the Boston Celtics.
Read moreText Version: In 1888, Nellie Bly (aka Elizabeth Cochrane) discussed with her editor at ‘New York World’ an idea to write a story, and beat the fictitious character ‘Phileas Fogg’ in Jules Verne’s book “Around the World in 80 Days” by actually accomplishing the feat in less than 80 days. The story became so big that competing New York newspaper […]
Read moreText Version One day on Mercury (i.e -the time it takes to rotate around its axis once) lasts 176 earth days. A year on Mercury (i.e – the amount of time for Mercury to orbit the sun once) is 87.97 earth days. In that sense, it remains daytime for a full year on Mercury and it stays night for one […]
Read moreText Version: John C. Calhourn was the only Vice President to serve under two presidents, John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. He also married his first cousin Floride Bonneau Calhoun. Together they had 10 kids over 18 years, however three of their children died in infancy.
Read moreText Version: Canada has over 3 million lakes, making them home to 60% of the World’s lakes. In other words, they have more lakes than all other countries combined.
Read moreText Version: The tentacles that stick out from the head of a snail are not its “feelers” as most people believe. On the ends of those tentacles are the snail’s eyes. Land snails have two sets of tentacles that stick out, the longer set of tentacles are the ones that have the snail’s eyes. This way they can move their […]
Read moreText Version: Even a nuclear war won’t get you out of paying your taxes or keep the Internal Revenue Service from coming after you. Since the 1960s, the U.S. Treasury Department, has had an Internal Revenue Manual, guiding IRS employees on how to function in the event of wars, natural disasters, pandemic influenza, terrorist attacks and yes, nuclear explosions. According […]
Read moreText Version: The late Michael Jackson had once approached J.K. Rowling about the possibility of doing a musical version of Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling said no to the idea. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, she said that she felt that it wouldn’t be successful. She told Oprah, “Michael Jackson wanted to do a musical. I said no to a […]
Read moreText Version: Giraffes spend about 80 percent of their day eating and they are said to be able to eat up to 77 pounds (35 kilograms) of food a day. Their favorite tree is the thorny acacia, which provides them all the necessary nutrients they need. The high water content in the leaves and fruit they eat even make it […]
Read moreText Version: According to New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries, which is in charge of Bio Security, there were and are no native land snakes in New Zealand and they would like to keep it that way. For that reason, it is against the law not only to have a snake, but even to be aware of one and […]
Read moreText Version: Mr. Clean made his debut in 1958. Within six months of launching the cleaner, Mr. Clean became the best selling household cleaner on the market. For the first 4 years, Mr. Clean didn’t have a first name. However in 1962, fans spoke up and Procter & Gamble listened. A promotion was started to give Mr. Clean a first […]
Read moreText Version: The Flintstones pilot episode came out in 1959, as a 90 second clip to draw advertisers to the show. At the time though, it was called “The Flagstones.” It was intended to be a show for adults, not kids. In fact, the first two full seasons of the show were sponsored by Winstons, a cigarette company.
Read moreText Version: In 1968, also known to baseball fans as “Year Of The Pitcher”, Carl Yastrzemski of the Boston Redsox, won the batting title with a .301 average. He was the only player that year to have a batting average over .300. To this day, it’s still the lowest batting average to ever win a batting title in Major League […]
Read moreText Version: The the 27th President of the United States, President William Howard Taft (serving from 1909 to 1913) was the heaviest President in U.S. history. He was 5’11” tall and weighed 290 pounds. Not only was he the heaviest, he was also the last President to have facial hair. In 1921, Taft became the Chief Justice of the United […]
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