Category Archives: Science

To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before: How do Astronauts Answer the Call of Nature in Space?

It was 8:15 AM on May 5, 1961, and astronaut Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. was facing an unexpected crisis. Chosen to be the first American – and the second human – in history to blast into space, at 5:15 AM Shepard had been strapped into his Mercury spacecraft Freedom 7 and the hatch bolted shut behind him. Liftoff was scheduled […]

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Who Invented Lasers and How Do They Actually Work?

Ah, the laser! Whether spaceship-mounted for blowing up planets, handheld for close-quarters battle, or table-mounted for bisecting troublesome secret agents, a laser is a surefire way to add a bit of sci-fi pizzazz to any story. Meanwhile, in the real world, lasers perform all manner of useful jobs, from cutting and welding metal to performing surgery, scanning barcodes, transmitting data […]

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$2 Billion Each- A Deep Dive Into the Incredible Engineering That Culminated in the B-2 “Stealth Bomber”

It can reach altitudes of more than 15,000 metres or 50,000 ft, and fly nearly 10,000 kilometres or around 6K miles – nearly a quarter of the earth’s circumference – without refuelling. It can penetrate even the most heavily defended airspace, deliver up to 18,000 kilograms of bombs with pinpoint accuracy, and slip out again – all while remaining all […]

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Which Aphrodisiacs Actually Work?

Oysters. Chocolate. Opium. Ginseng. Spanish Fly. Ambergris. Alcohol. MDMA. What do all of these have in common? Well, aside from the makings of a very wild party, they have all at one time or another been used as aphrodisiacs. Derived from the Greek aphrodisiakon or “pertaining to Aphrodite”, goddess of love, aphrodisiacs are substances believed to enhance the sexual experience […]

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The Surprisingly Interesting Story Behind Why the Geosynchronous Region Around the Earth is Called the Clark Orbit

On August 19, 1964, a Delta D rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral in Florida and soared into space, successfully delivering the Syncom 3 satellite into a 42,164 kilometre equatorial orbit. At this altitude, the satellite orbited at the same rate as the earth’s surface, making it appear to stand still high over the Pacific Ocean. Anchored in the sky, […]

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Are People Actually Right or Left-Brained?

Quick: are you right-brained or left-brained? Chances are, you answered this question immediately and definitively. If you are the creative, intuitive type, drawn to creating music, stories, images, and other forms of art, then you are right-brained. If, by contrast, you are more analytical and logical, drawn to mathematics and pattern recognition, then you are left-brained. And if you don’t […]

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What is Up with the Bizarre Richter Scale?

Valdivia, Chile. May 22, 1960. Magnitude 9.5. 1,655 killed. Prince William Sound, Alaska. March 26, 1964. Magnitude 9.2. 128 killed. Sumatra, Indonesia. December 26, 2004. Magnitude 9.1. 227,898 killed. Tohoku, Japan, March 11, 2011. Magnitude 9.1. 15,700 killed. These are the four most powerful earthquakes in recorded history. If you keep up with the news, then you have likely heard […]

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Twilight Sleep: the Horrifying Way Early 20th Century Women Gave Birth

The business of giving birth has long been a dangerous one. For most of human history, an estimated 4% of all women died in pregnancy or childbirth due to infections, haemorrhages, and other complications. Starting in the mid-19th century, improvements in sanitation and new medical techniques steadily began to improve these odds, such that today in the United States approximately […]

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Why Do People Suddenly Drop When Shot?

It is a classic action movie scenario. Our hero, burdened with disarming the doomsday weapon, killing the bad guy, saving the love interest – or all three at once – must assault a building packed to the brim with armed goons. Thankfully, being the protagonist, our hero is also blessed with bottomless magazines and unfailing aim, and proceeds to simply […]

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