Category Archives: Articles

What Causes Blisters

Today I found out what causes blisters. We’ve all seen them, and unfortunately most of us have had one. Those painful, pockets of goo that form because some over exercised, over caffeinated, happy to be living life, outdoors-man decides to include you in their daily torture fest that is a hike up mount agony!  So what exactly is going on […]

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Aerosol Sprays Do Not Damage the Ozone Layer

Myth: Aerosol sprays damage the Earth’s ozone layer. This misconception stems primarily from the fact that, originally, aerosol cans used chlorofluorocarbons as a propellant. Chlorofluorocarbons were also used commonly in refrigerators, air conditioners, and for many industrial applications. Chlorofluorocarbons were particularly popular because they are non-flammable, non-toxic, and non-reactive to most compounds. However, after scientists began to observe that the […]

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Every Possible State of a Standard Rubik’s Cube can Be Solved in 20 Moves or Less

Today I found out that all 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 positions of a standard Rubik’s Cube can be solved in 20 moves or less. Anyone who is serious about solving a Rubik’s Cube uses some sort of algorithm, or sequence of steps to help them solve the puzzle. There are many different algorithms, varying in complexity and number of moves required, but those that […]

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How Jake Brakes Work

Today I found out how a Jake Brake works (also known as “Jacobs Engine Brake” or “compression release brake”). For those who don’t know, a “Jake Brake” is what makes that machine-gun like noise that you might hear from semi-trucks when they head down long steep hills. A normal gas motor uses the air flow from the intake manifold to […]

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Randy and Sharon Marsh and Gerald and Shelia Broflovsky Were Named After the Two South Park Creator’s Parents


Today I found out Randy and Sharon Marsh and Gerald and Shelia Broflovsky were named after Trey Parker’s and Matt Stone’s parents respectively. Trey Parker’s dad’s name is Randy Parker and, like Randy Marsh, he’s a geologist.    Sharon Parker is an insurance broker, unlike Sharon Marsh, who is a receptionist at Tom’s Rhinoplasty.  In addition to that, Shelley Marsh on […]

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