Why Do Vaccines Contain Dangerous Ingredients?
In this video from MinuteEarth, they answer the question of why vaccines contain seemingly dangerous ingredients. If you like TodayIFoundOut, odds are you’ll also greatly enjoy their videos. So go check them out and subscribe to their channel here. You can also join us in supporting their efforts to make more videos like this by donating via their Patreon page here.
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I think you’ll agree that science isn’t perfect. Vaccines have caused fatalities and irreparable harm to vulnerable people in our society. Do you know if anything is being done to make vaccines safer? I’ve searched many of the U.S. Gov’t websites, CDC, FDA, NHI, etc. and they seem to have reactionary policies in place to this question, i.e. banning thimerisol and the rider bill in the Patriot Act that protects the inventor of thimerisol, Eli Lilly, and it’s use fro litigation. The vaccine manufacturers don’t have much info available with regard to their efforts to improve vaccines, but something tells me they would be more concerned about efficiency than safety, no? In the interest of herd immunity, should we all accept that vaccination is a game of percentages, roll the dice and hope that your child doesn’t potentially die or suffer irreparable harm from a vaccine because the probability of that happening is so small? I sympathixe with parents that have to grapple with this decision. BTW, I liked the video, just seems to be driving home one point of many. Loved to see the same person/entity put out something about efforts by the gov’t and vaccine manufacturers to make them safer for everyone, especially the most vulnerable, out kids. Thanks
Thimerosal, not thimerisol. Sorry.
There are risks with vaccinations, but the most severe risks are correlated with other issues and are not causal links. A person experiencing an anaphylactic reaction who goes untreated or mistreated can die, regardless if the reaction was due to a vaccination or a peanut allergy. Death is not a causal link to vaccines (see reference 2). The risks with the MMR/MMRV vaccine are: mild reactions – fever (1 in 6), rash (1 in 20) and glandular swelling (1 in 75) – moderate reactions – fever induced seizures (1 in 3000 doses), temporary joint pain (1 in 4) and temporary low platelet count (1 in 30,000 doses) – and severe reactions – serious allergic reactions and problems such as deafness, long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, and permanent brain damage (less than 4 out of 1 million doses) (1). The occurrence of such reactions are so rare and correlated with other factors that we can’t establish if vaccines are the direct cause (1 & 2).
Those are the established risks of vaccines, and each vaccine also comes with a list of people who should not get the vaccine, most of which are those who have immune issues or are younger than one year or older than 50 (1). Whereas the risks due to the diseases covered under the MMR/MMRV vaccine are as follows: Measles caused 145,700 deaths globally in 2013, but vaccination has lowered that from 2.6 million in 1980 (3). In nations with advance healthcare, it is manageable and recovery is a non-issue for most; however, the U.S. recently had a death due to measles in an immune-suppressed woman, who was the first since 2003 (4). Mumps is manageable with advanced healthcare but preventable with vaccinations; adults experience more severe reactions than children. It currently has a mortality rate of around 1 for every 10,000 infected (5). Rubella has mild symptoms in adults and children but is debilitating during prenatal development; with deafness, eye abnormalities and blindness, heart diseases and defects and still-births (6 & 7). It is preventable with vaccination. Varicella is also known as chicken pox and lead to 7000 deaths globally in 2013 (8). It is manageable when acquired without vaccines but vaccination provides prevention and eliminates the risk of death.
Also, where did you find this association with the Patriot Act and thiomersal/thimerosal? The Patriot Act does not include any mentions of “Eli Lilly” or “thiomersal/thimerosal” (9). Vaccines are only mentioned four times as a means to combat bio-terrorism (9).
My aim in this is not to be meanspirited or disrespectful to you, but to correct the issues you raised. My sympathies do not lie with parents who feel this is a difficult issue but to those who suffer needlessly of preventable diseases due to an ignorant panic and culture of fear mongering.
1 – http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/mmrv.html
2 – http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/Activities/vaers.html
3 – http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs286/en/
4 – http://www.doh.wa.gov/Newsroom/2015NewsReleases/15119WAMeaslesRelatedDeath
5 – http://www.who.int/wer/2007/wer8207.pdf?ua=1
6 – https://www.sense.org.uk/content/congenital-rubella-syndrome
7 – http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X01000731
8 – http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/varicella.html
9 – https://www.congress.gov/107/plaws/publ56/PLAW-107publ56.pdf