Fire Hydrant Colors Actually Mean Something
One of the first challenges that firefighters face when they arrive at a fire is finding a suitable water source that provides enough water for the type of fire they are fighting. Common sense tells us a car on fire will require much less water than a burning apartment building. There are formulas used by firefighters that will tell them approximately how much water is needed to fight a given fire (see bonus facts below). Fire hydrants are commonly color coded to indicate how much water a particular hydrant will provide. This allows for quick decision making when they are deciding which hydrant to access.
Water supply for firefighting is rated in gallons per minute (GPM) available. In most urban and suburban areas, water supply is from a far away source such as a reservoir or lake. This water is pumped through a system of above ground and underground pipes, then supplied to all of the buildings and homes in a given area. Every water system is maintained by the water district supplying the water. Most is used for everyday purposes like drinking water, bathing, doing your laundry, and watering your lawn. When there is a fire, water districts are required to allow firefighters to access this water for firefighting purposes. They do this with the commonly known fire hydrant. Due to the numerous different supply systems throughout the United States, there can be a wide range of available supply, from 500 GPM or less to over 2500 GPM.
In an effort to make it easier for firefighters to know what a specific hydrant will supply, the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) recommends that fire departments and water districts follow a set standard of color-coding. Known as NFPA 291, it says fire hydrants using public water supply systems should be painted chrome yellow, and their tops and caps should indicate the available GPM. Below 500GPM should be red, 500-999 GPM should be orange, 1000-1499 GPM should be green, and 1500 GPM or more should be blue.
If the hydrant is not hooked to a public water system, but instead is accessing a private system (as in the case of a shared well by several houses in a specific neighborhood) the hydrant should be painted a color distinguishing it from a publicly supplied system. NFPA recommends red.
OSHA (occupational safety and health administration) further recommends that a hydrant be painted violet for any source that is non-potable (so what color should we paint a hydrant that is non-potable and from a private source OSHA?…. sketchy!). Furthermore, if a hydrant is inoperable, it’s recommended that it be painted black. If it’s only going to be inoperable for a short time, it’s common to just place a black bag over the hydrant.
GPM is only one of two factors of water supply. The other is pressure, rated in PSI (pounds per square inch). All hydrants are assumed to provide at least 20 psi. If it doesn’t, NFPA recommends that the rated pressure be stenciled on the top of the hydrant and on the caps. They also recommend this for extremely high pressured hydrants. Too much pressure can cause damage to the fire equipment if precautions aren’t taken.
The NFPA sets these standards and most fire departments and water companies try to follow them. In the end however, these are just guidelines and not necessarily requirements. As such, not every area will follow these recommendations. In 2005, conducted a poll of firefighters and other fire service personnel asking if their departments use this color-coding system- 47% did and 44% did not. 8% of respondents did not have hydrants in their areas. In cases where there are no hydrants, water supply trucks, known as tenders, will fill up with water from near-by sources, such as lakes and rivers, and bring it to the fire.
The NFPA recommendation is not the only color-coding system used. Many different municipalities create their own, for their specific situation. For instance, the Moraga-Orinda (CA) Fire District has taken to color-coding the tops of the hydrants following NFPA recommendations. They then color code the caps for the specific PSI provided. They also mark for “dead end” hydrants, hydrants only supplied from one direction. They have their own hydrant body color system, and an arrow system indicating higher pressure hydrants. They also provide Roman-numeral markings that indicate where the shut off valves are for that particular hydrant.
So when you are driving around your neighborhood and see a hydrant painted a specific color, be assured that color has a purpose. If you are one that has a hydrant on your property, it is not at all uncommon to try and hide this “eye-sore” by decorating it with flowers, butterfly’s, and all manner of interesting artistry. If you do, don’t be surprised if you get a knock on your door from the local water district or fire department telling you your amateur art is not appreciated!
Bonus Facts:
- In major water systems, like those that supply large cities and towns, the most common supply method is a gridded system. In this type of system, every distribution pipe is interconnected with one another. Should a specific pipe become damaged or clogged, the water can be supplied from another direction, providing uninterrupted water flow for the end user. If the hydrant is only supplied from one direction, it is commonly known as a “dead-end” hydrant.
- Fire needs four things to sustain itself. Heat, fuel, oxygen, and the chemical reaction between the three. Should you want to put the fire out, you simply have to take away any one of those four things. Water application is the most common method used.
- Water puts out fire in two ways. The first is common sense- it cools the fuel burning below the temperature required to keep it burning, known as its “fire point”. The second is less obvious. In an enclosed environment, the heat available turns the water to steam. The steam replaces the available oxygen in the area and in effect “smothers” the fire. The amount of steam created by the water used depends on several factors including atmospheric pressure, temperature of the environment, and temperature of the water. For practical purposes, firefighters use a ratio of 1700 to 1. The volume of steam being 1700 times the volume of water used.
- The proper amount of water needed to fight a given fire is one of the most important factors in deciding how to fight a particular fire. Too little water and fire won’t go out. Too much and you will get water damage to the rest of the occupancy you are trying to protect. Imagine only one top floor room of your house burning, but the entire bottom floor being destroyed by water from an over-zealous rookie. You might think twice about voting “yes” on their next levy!
- There are many different aspects to the formula for determining the correct amount of water needed to fight a given fire- things like: type of material burning, volume of the space the fire is in, and the type of fire hose nozzle chosen, are just a few. Like most things in the fire service, the most common method used gives an approximation of the needed GPM. The given volume of burning material divided by 3. Now you too can decide if the hydrant in front of your house will supply enough water to put out your burning mattress!
- The brain of a Paramedic/Firefighter (me) who knows one common truth, “put wet stuff on red stuff until it goes out!” … unless the wet stuff is flammable… then use other wet stuff.
- Moraga-Orinda (CA) Fire District
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In San Francisco all of the hydrants are white except for one.
That one, at the corner of Church and 20th Streets, is gold and repainted every April 18th, the anniversary of the ’06 Quake.
It is the only one that kept working during the Earthquake and Fire and saved thousands of homes.
Most water utilities do not waste their time due to the fact the majority of firefighters are too stupid to be able to understand such a concept.
“Firefighters are too stupid to understand”?!? Clearly you don’t know how much training firefighters go through.
Gary , your comment makes you sound like someone that wished he could be a firefighter , but was not smart enough or strong enough to step up and be a real firefighter. Gary , keep hitting the books and pumping the iron and maybe one day you to could be one of the few , one of the brave ,an American Firefighter.
You Just showed how little you actually know about Fire Fighters sir. Fire Fighters have alot of training and duties we have to do. And in alot of areas we actually test the Hydrants and Paint them ourselves. We also have to figure out how to save people like yourself from your own stupidity when you can’t get yourself out of the danger.
You must be a cop- the only group collectively “stoopider” than fireman
You need to watch your comments about police officers. No firefighter in his or her right mind would ever say something stupid like that.
Gary you know nothing about fighting fires.
Fighter fighter certification clears up a lot of errors. No more fill in the basement full of water.
Plus, they double as “doggie lavatories”
Gary may be partly correct but the selection of a hydrant is made in a panic and it’s for sure the firefighters will take the closest one no matter what.
What about the silver or the yellow ones? I see these all around the bay area.
What does blue mean? or white?
“In 2005, conducted a poll of firefighters and other fire service personnel asking if their departments use this color-coding system- 47% did and 44% did not. 8% of respondents did not have hydrants in their areas.”
So in other words this story is complete rubbish.
No it’s not complete rubbish , it is obvious by your comment you are not a firefighter ,to make such a stupid assumption. You did read the article since you understand that 47% of fire departments use the color coding system . Which means there are several hundred thousand fire stations across America , that depends on this color coding system to understand how much water they will have to work with at an actual fire.
The “rubbish” may have been in the overly simplistic analysis of the poll or a Trumpistic, shoot-from-the-hip reaction to public service journalism. As a retired firefighter who has visited fire stations in all 50 states and 40+ foreign countries and discussed color coding of hydrants (fire plugs) and fire apparatuses (appliances) , colors are important to the firefighters in the areas which use them; not so much to folks who only see rubbish.
I remind the scoffers that the survey, from 2005, does not reflect the changes since that time, nor does the reiteration distinguish the size of the districts reporting their practices. My community, reasonably sized and having a dedicated, diligent, progressive body of Firefighters, uses this system, and these test and paint the hydrants themselves, as part of their planning. Engineers know which hydrant to hit, and support engines know what to hit for feeder service. Neither is the article rubbish, nor are Firefighters stupid. They have to plan ahead for all the things “smart” citizens do that make those “stupid” firefighters have to save them.
Great reply , love it.
Having grown up in a household surrounded by firemen and the fire service,including my dad who retired after 28 years on the job: this is the general idea.
Now, is it always followed? No. You have to freak with several factors including time and money and politicians. Three factors that don’t go well together.
Just know that those ‘stupid’ fireman will use a garden hose if necessary to put out a fire. (I was 9 and my dad was on the scene first and did just that, while off duty at the time! He didn’t see a reason why our neighbors shed should burn down just because the pumper want there yet. )
Lots of people are asking about blue and gold hydrants and such. Though he did point out that not all facilities follow this protocol. In my area some hydrants are even painted to match the school colors!
Parking away a minimum of 15′ is stated in DMV regulation in California. However, if the distance is that critical for the fire truck to perform the fire distinguishing, then why not paint the curb red for warning rather than giving ticket since a fine doesn’t help to avoid obstructing the firemen’s duty. Maybe it’s actually do not affect their duty but to get the fine as a budgeted income for the city treasury.
That ticket is really doing you a favor, if there had been a fire and that hydrant been needed they would have used it. Of course you may have been unhappy with the result of the “creativity” used to access said hydrant.
Is there any way to indicate ‘not energized’ fire hydrants? Like a tag or special paint to easily communicate to Fire team. Any expert advise please?
Hydrant cap painted black indicates a nonstop functional hydrant, or a black bag covering the hydrant if its temporarily none functioning.
Here in Montreal, the fire hydrants have a pale blue color for the “other” fire hydrants. Otherwise they are all red. NFPA 291 describes this well.
Never thought I’d actually need this….but here I am looking this up for a warm-up in math. *sigh* Interesting story tho.
Red, yellow, violet- fire hydrants colors are meant for different types of fires. Each color represents GPM (Gallons Per Minute). Higher GPMs are meant for larger fires. Yellow indicates water supply from the public supply system. Violet indicates water comes from lake or pond water. Nice article written by author.