Tootsie Rolls Were Added To Soldiers Field Rations During World War II

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The Tootsie Roll was invented by Leo Hirschfeld in 1896. He named the candy after his daughter’s nickname, Clara “Tootsie” Hirschfeld. During World War II, the Tootsie Roll candy was added to every soldier’s field rations, because the candy could hold up in a variety of weather conditions. The Tootsie roll was also the first one cent candy to be individually wrapped and was the most popular candy during the Depression, due to its low cost.

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  • They still do this. When I was in the military, a few MREs even had M&Ms and Skittles. Every MRE gets a “treat” of some kind.

  • yes still done, usually the tootsie roll “bar” though, along with M&Ms, generic hard candies, brownies etc. Some type of sugar treat.
    Any real G.I. can make chocolate pudding from the hot cocoa mix and other parts of the MRE