This was a really fun read. I spend a lot of time on the internet searching for information on anything because I love to learn. I saw this page and figured it was info I probably already knew but I was tickled to find out it wasn’t. Kudos!!!!
Wow, this was really interesting! I never knew half of the things on here. The thing that got me was the fact that honey bees know the Earth is round and that a group of cats is called a clowder. Go figure!
This was a really fun read. I spend a lot of time on the internet searching for information on anything because I love to learn. I saw this page and figured it was info I probably already knew but I was tickled to find out it wasn’t. Kudos!!!!
Also, since dolphins have to consciously think about breathing, they are also one of the only animals known to commit suicide.
Wow, this was really interesting! I never knew half of the things on here. The thing that got me was the fact that honey bees know the Earth is round and that a group of cats is called a clowder. Go figure!
wow!!! all 10 things r really amazing & i really don’t know about 8 of them.Increase your knowledge with it……go 4 other things!!!
a camel can drink 135 litters of water in only in 13 miniutes
a lizard can had two tail
a star fish has no brain
If a star fish is cut into peices, each peice grows into another star fish!
Did you know Cheetahs can go from 0mph to 60mph in under 3 seconds
I knew Orcas (Killer Whales) were Dolphins but no one Believes me.
An Elephant can’t jump.