Q. I’d like to use one of your articles on my site or publication. May I?
A. On your site, yes, so long as you make it very clear that it came from TodayIFoundOut.com and give link credit back to the original article and a link back to TodayIFoundOut’s homepage. In the case of a publication or if you are a business wanting to use one of our articles, the answer is probably yes, though we’d have to work out some deal before hand that would be mutually satisfactory in that case. In this latter case, email me here and we can work something out.
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Q. I have an idea for an improvement to your site. Care to hear it?
A. Again, absolutely. We’re always looking to make the site better and easier to use. Please do send us your idea.
Q. I submitted a comment, but it got marked as spam. What gives?
A. Today I Found Out gets several hundred spam comments a day, so we have an automatic spam filter in place. This filter overall works fairly well, but sometimes might assign something as spam that isn’t. If this happens to you, email us and we’ll rectify the issue.
Q. What are your references for your Word of the Day posts?
A. Unless otherwise stated in the actual post, all Word of the Day posts use Wiktionary for definitions and The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology for the Etymology of a word. All other potential references for information in the Word of the Day posts are explicitly stated in the post.
Q. Who are you and why did you start this site?
A. For the answer of this one, check out my “About” page.
It would be amazing if you guys made an app
I would definitely download the app 
@Shiannes: It’s been on the to-do list for about three years. Unfortunately, doing it properly would take me more time to program myself than I can ever seem to muster, and hiring someone to do it is presently too expensive.
I do, however, have some plans to try to drum up the funds for it. Stay tuned!
G,day, I just wanted to say ” thanks” , I’ve been subscribing to your website for years and find it really interesting.
How do I cite this article? Where are the references?