A Dinner Jacket, the Nazis, the “British” Accent, and What This All Has to Do With the BBC News

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is an institution known and respected the world over for its relative impartiality and objectivity compared to many other news sources, with numerous surveys showing that the BBC is one of the most trusted sources of news in both the UK and the US. But we’re not here to talk about that. We’re here to talk about […]

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The First Detective

The following is an article from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Sherlock Holmes, Jean Valjean, and the FBI can all trace their roots back to one Frenchman who turned a life of crime into a life of fighting crime. SPLIT PERSONALITY In 1809 a 34-year-old petty criminal named Eugène François Vidocq (pronounced vee-DOCK) was doing yet another stint in a French […]

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The Real First Person Around the World, Exploding Dogs, the Superhero Who Powered Up By Smoking and More

In this week’s “best of” our YouTube channel, we discuss who was the real first person to circumnavigate the globe, the superhero who powered up by smoking, what a “blue moon” really is, the sad story of the exploding anti-tank dogs of WWII, why aluminum foil is shiny on one side and not the other, and what people used for toothpaste […]

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First Look at Your Baby: The Fascinating History of the “Sonogram”

The following is an article from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader If you have kids, there’s a good chance that the very first time you laid eyes on them was via a “sonogram” image taken before they were even born. The grainy images are so common that they’ve become a rite of passage for parents all over the world. Here’s the […]

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