The Corporation

The following is an article from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader To some people, the word “corporation” has negative connotations, and not without reason—names like Enron and Lehman Brothers come to mind. But it’s also one of the greatest tools for economic growth ever invented. Here’s a brief, fascinating history of the corporation. BACKGROUND Most of us have a simple understanding […]

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The Wonderful World of Semordnilaps

You are most likely aware that a palindrome is a word or phrase that is spelled the same regardless of whether it’s read forward or backward. A few simple examples are noon, race car, dad, mom, and wow. But what happens when a word read backward creates a different word altogether? Welcome to the wonderful world of the semordnilap. One […]

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The Story of Reuel Colt Gridley and the Most Expensive Bag of Flour in the World

Reuel Colt Gridley was born and raised in Hannibal, Missouri in 1829, and lived there contemporaneously with Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain), with Clemens claiming Gridley was a schoolmate of his. Leaving Missouri for greater adventure out west as a teenager, Gridley served in the Mexican War (1846-1848) and later joined the great California Gold Rush in 1852. (See: What […]

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Why Do Many Countries’ Names End in “-stan,” and Home Country Designations Often End with “–an” as in “American”?

Chris G. asks: Why are there so many countries that have a name that ends in stan? I was also wondering why we call people from many countries the name of their country ended with an, like Canada and Canadian? Denoting that it is a piece of the earth associated with a particular group of people, the suffix -stan simply […]

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A Spy Story

The following is an article from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Question: How many intelligence agencies does the U.S. have? Let’s see…there’s the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and maybe…the DEA—that’s four, right? Wrong. How many do we really have? NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Just kidding. Correct answer: 17. Here’s the history of the whole—mostly secret—business. SPY STORY In January 1790, […]

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Has a Major English Dictionary Ever Spelled An Entry Name Incorrectly?

Jon A. asks: Has there ever been an example of a word being spelled incorrectly in the dictionary and did that then become the new accepted spelling? Despite my sincerest efforts, I could find no documented instance of a misspelled entry name (the word being defined) ever found in a widely circulated, non-user generated English dictionary. (I’m still skeptical it’s […]

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This Day in History: November 30th- Unbought and Unbossed

This Day In History: November 30, 1924 “Apparently all they know here in Washington about Brooklyn is that a tree grew there.” – Shirley Chisholm Congresswoman, civil rights activist, social reformer, and educator, Shirley Chisholm broke down racial and gender barriers in the 1960s and 1970s. She made history not only as the first black Congresswoman but also as the […]

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