The Withdrawal Method was the Primary Form of Contraception Used in the World Previous to the Roman Empire

##EMBED## Previous to the Roman Empire, evidence suggests that the withdrawal method was the primary form of contraception used in the world. Incidentally, the withdrawal method is statistically only slightly less effective at preventing pregnancy than condoms (withdrawal: 82% effective vs. condoms: 83% effective, both with real world use).  The withdrawal method fell out of popularity with the Romans who […]

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How the Month “October” Got Its Name

##EMBED## October got its name from the Latin “octo”, meaning “eight”.  If this seems odd to you, considering it’s the tenth month in the modern day calendar (Gregorian), that actually used to not be the case.  It was once the eighth month (in the Roman Calendar) and the name simply carried over. Click Here for Sources and to Learn More […]

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Dr. Nick on the Simpsons was Named After the Doctor that Prescribed Narcotics to Elvis Presley

##EMBED## Dr. Nick on the Simpsons is named after the doctor that prescribed narcotics to Elvis Presley, George Constantine Nichopoulos.  Dr. Nichopoulos initially began treating Elvis in 1967 for “saddle pain” and later was hired as his personal physician until Elvis’ death in 1977.  In 1980, Dr. Nichopoulos was was indicted for over prescribing drugs to Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis […]

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What Duct Tape is Made Of

##EMBED## Duct tape is composed of three layers.  The top layer is a plastic, polyethelyne; the middle layer is a fabric mesh; the bottom layer is a rubber-based, pressure sensitive adhesive.  It was originally manufactured simply by pressing these three layers together and was named “Duck Tape”, not “Duct Tape”.   It was invented by Johnson & Johnson’s Permacel division during […]

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The Words “Blond” and “Blonde” are Not Wholly Synonymous

Blonde Hair

Today I found out the words “blond” and “blonde” are not wholly synonymous.  So what’s the difference between the words “blond” and “blonde”? (besides the obvious extra ‘e’) 😉 The difference is simply in what gender the word is referring.  When referring to a woman with yellow hair, you should use the feminine spelling “blonde”.  When referring to a male […]

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The Statue of William Shakespeare in Central Park was Paid for from Funds Donated from a John Wilkes Booth Performance of Julius Caesar

##EMBED## The three brothers John Wilkes, Junius Brutus (Jr.), and Edwin Booth, all critically acclaimed actors of their day, only once all three appeared in the same play together.  That was in a portrayal of Julius Caesar in 1864, with John Wilkes playing Marc Antony; Junius taking the roll of Cassius; and Edwin playing Brutus.  The funds from the above […]

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The World’s Largest Item On A Menu Is Camel Stuffed with Lamb which has Been Stuffed with Chickens which has Been Stuffed with Fish or Eggs

Today I found out that the largest item on a menu in the world is whole camel which is often stuffed with a lamb which has been stuffed with chickens which has been stuffed with fish or eggs;  the whole lot also tends to have rice and other fixings mixed in at each stuffing stage. As you might expect, cooking […]

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