You Can Survive Being Exposed to the Near Vacuum of Space for About 90 Seconds With No Longterm Damage

Myth: The instant you’re exposed to the near vacuum of space, you’ll lose consciousness, your blood will start to boil, and you’ll explode. (Other variations on this myth include you freezing near instantly from the extreme “cold” of space.) In fact, so long as you don’t try to hold your breath, which would result in your lungs rupturing and thus […]

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From 1940 to 2008 There Were 157 People Who Fell Out of a Plane During a Crash Without a Parachute and Lived

According to the Geneva-based Aircraft Crashes Record Office, between 1940 and 2008 there were 157 people who fell out of planes during a crash and without a parachute and lived to tell about it. A full 42 of those falls occurred at heights over 10,000 feet! One such incident involved a British Tail-gunner whose plane was shot down in 1944 […]

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The Female Prostitute That Rose to Become One of the Most Powerful Pirates in History and Whose Armada Took on the Chinese, British, and Portuguese Navies… and Won

Today I found out about the prostitute that rose to command a huge armada that controlled the South Chinese Sea and the Guangdong province. While female pirates weren’t uncommon off the coast of Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries, one woman stood above them all.  Her birth name isn’t known, but this Cantonese pirate went by the name Ching […]

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Cooper Tires’ #RideNDrive Event

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Cooper Tires for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. You may have noticed last week that I didn’t post any articles written by me and there weren’t quite as many posts all around as you may have come to expect if you follow this site regularly, which you should […]

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“A Chatty Little Handbook for All Women” was the First Known Instance of Someone Suggesting Rear View Mirrors for Cars

The book “The Woman and the Car, A Chatty Little Handbook for All Women Who Motor or Who Want to Motor” (presumably extremely chatty, given the title), by Dorothy Levitt written in 1906, recommended that women carry a hand-mirror while driving as it is convenient to be able to see behind you during traffic by holding the hand mirror up.  […]

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Words that Change Their Meaning Depending on Whether the First Letter is Capitalized are “Capitonyms”

There are some words that change their meaning based on whether the first letter is capitalized or not.  These words are collectively known as “capitonyms”.  These capitonyms are particularly troublesome when they appear at the beginning of a sentence, as there is no way, based on the single word alone, to tell which meaning is being referred to.  Examples of […]

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The Difference Between Bacon and Salted Pork

The difference between bacon and salted pork or ham is primarily just the composition of the brine that is used to cure it.  Brine for bacon often includes sodium nitrite, sodium nitrate, and saltpeter (for curing the meat); sodium ascorbate (for setting the color, as well as speeding up the curing process); and brown or maple sugar (for flavor), among […]

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How Trees Make Food for Themselves

Leaves are the food processing factories for trees.  The plants use their roots to take in water and other essential nutrients.  The leaves then use the water and carbon dioxide from the air, in combination with sunlight, to turn the water and carbon dioxide into glucose, also giving off the byproduct oxygen in the process.  It then uses the glucose […]

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