Does Cranberry Juice Get Rid of Urinary Tract Infections

Matt asks: Does cranberry juice really help with urinary tract infections? The short answer is probably not according to recent research on the subject, though of course there are certainly many who swear by this method of getting rid of / preventing urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and there are good theories behind why cranberry juice could potentially help. In the […]

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Why We Call the Seasons Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring

J.K. asks: Why are the seasons called winter, spring, summer, and fall? “Winter” derives from the Proto-Germanic *wentruz, meaning winter.  This in turn probably comes from the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *wed, meaning “wet”.  Alternatively, it may come from the PIE *wind-, meaning “white”.  Either way, the Proto-Germanic *wentruz gave rise to the Old English “winter” as the fourth season of the […]

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How Pregnancy Tests Work

Karla asks: How do pregnancy tests work? Ah, the pregnancy test. Karla, I can only hope the reason you might be wondering is you’re taking one in a joyous scenario, and you’re trying to have a child, rather than the other way with a little more sweat on your forehead! 😉 Either way, pregnancy tests that use urine samples have […]

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10 Wild and Wacky Animal Mating Rituals

Embed This Infographic Source: Today I found out [Some images used in the infographic via Shutterstock] Text Version: 1. Flatworms: Like most aquatic invertebrates, flatworms are hermaphrodites, which means they have reproductive organs of both genders- male and female. So they determine who’s going to be which gender, with a good old fashioned fight.  When it comes to their dagger-like […]

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5 Common Misconceptions About George Washington

Today I Found Out has teamed up with Jeremiah Warren to show his awesome “trivia” related videos here. I hope you enjoy his videos as much as I have. Bonus George Washington Facts: George Washington was taphephobic (irrationally terrified of being buried alive).  On his death bed, he told his attendants “I am just going.  Have me decently buried and […]

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How Erections Work

Amanda asks: How exactly do penises become erect? Well Amanda, the physical response causing a flaccid penis to become hard can be mediated by both physical stimulation (known as somatic) or autonomic (involuntary) processes like arousal from an attractive person, or a combination of both. We’ll first look at the anatomy behind the erection and then talk about how the […]

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The First “First Lady”

For those not familiar, the “First Lady” is a title which refers to the official hostess of the White House.  Although it is not a firm prerequisite for the title, the First Lady is commonly thought to be the wife of the President.  But who was actually the first-ever “First Lady”? If you guessed the logical answer, you, of course, […]

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12 Fascinating Dolphin Facts

1. Dolphins belong to the order of Cataceans (marine mammals) and are closely related to whales and porpoises. They are the only group of mammals that generally give birth to their young tail first, instead of head first like other mammals 2.  “Dolphin” comes from the ancient Greek “delphis”, which means more or less “fish with a womb”. 3. Dolphins […]

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The Guy Who Gave Hitler the Finger

Bob Young was born in Bakersfield, CA., on January 15, 1916.  As a relay runner, he was to compete in the 1936 Olympics and would go on to win a silver medal.  But despite these two historic (and very cool) accomplishments, Bob Young’s “coolest ever” accomplishment was a very unique one.  He gave the finger to Adolf Hitler. Bob was […]

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15 Interesting Mr. Rogers Facts

45 years ago today on February 19, 1968, Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood made its national TV debut.  The show’s purpose, as put forth by Mr. Rogers, was to promote: good self esteem, self control, imagination, creativity, curiosity, appreciation of diversity, cooperation, patience, and persistence. In homage to the great Fred Rogers, here are a few interesting Mr. Rogers facts you may […]

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Why Testosterone Affects Body Hair Growth

Michael S. asks: Why does testosterone cause more body hair? Testosterone is a steroid hormone from a group called androgen. Androgen affects many characteristics in our bodies, like the development of the male sex organs, the deepening of the voice during puberty, muscle and bone strength, and hair growth. Interestingly, the same circulating androgen, like testosterone, can increase hair growth […]

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