Category Archives: Science

What a Watt Is

solar panel array

Note: This is a guest article contributed by Suparna Kadam, co-founder of GreenRay, Inc. (bio at the bottom) If you’re interested in contributing to TIFO click here to read our article submission guidelines. Today I found out what a watt is. The evolving discussion over renewable energy technologies has a tendency to get a bit technical. Most of us who work in […]

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Why It is Nearly Impossible to Tickle Yourself


Today I found out why it is nearly impossible to tickle yourself. It’s very hard to tickle yourself because your brain anticipates things going on around you in order to help speed up response times. More technically, the cerebellum monitors body movements and can also distinguish between expected sensations and unexpected ones, generally resulting in diminishing or completely discarding expected […]

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Bananas Are Naturally Radioactive

banana radiation

Today I found out bananas are naturally radioactive.  This comes from the fact that they contain relatively high amounts of potassium.  Specifically, they contain Potassium-40, which is a radioactive isotope of potassium. The fact that bananas are radioactive has actually given rise to the radiation unit: “banana equivalent dose” (BED); this is the average amount of radiation you are exposed to by eating […]

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What Causes Muscle Soreness After Exercising (Note: It’s Not Lactic Acid)

Muscle Cell

Today I found out what causes muscle soreness after workouts. Since the early 20th century, this specific type of muscle soreness, called “delayed onset muscle soreness” (DOMS), was thought to be cause by lactic acid buildup in the muscles during strenuous workouts where your body’s oxygen supply is depleted.  Recent research has shown this is not the case at all […]

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How the Blind Dream

Today I found out how the completely blind dream. It turns out that if they went completely blind before around the age of 5-7 years old, they will typically dream without any visual experiences.  In the very few cases where some report having visual experiences in their dreams, these experiences are more in the abstract sense where they feel like […]

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