The Origin of Friday the 13th as an Unlucky Day
Being wary of Friday the 13th is much more than a quaint superstition observed by a few uneducated people in distant, unreachable towns and hamlets. In the United States alone, it is estimated that between 17 and 21 million people dread that date to the extent that it can be officially classified as a phobia.
So why is Friday the 13th considered such an “evil” day?
The origins aren’t perfectly clear, but we do know that both Friday and, separately, the number 13 have long been considered unlucky and it was around the late 19th century that the first documented instances started popping up of people putting the two together to form the unluckiest day of all.
To start with, the most popular theory as to why Friday is considered unlucky or an evil day is thought to spring from Christianity. By tradition, Friday is considered the day that Eve gave Adam the “apple” and they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden- of course, “Friday” wouldn’t have been around yet. (Note: The notion that it was an apple is a second century invention and contrary to what is stated in Genesis.)
Also by tradition, Adam and Eve were purported to have died on the then nonexistent “Friday”. The Temple of Solomon was said to have been destroyed on Friday. And Jesus was traditionally considered to have been crucified on a Friday, the day we refer to now as Good Friday. That said, there are several references in somewhat recent history of Good Friday being considered the one exception to Fridays being bad luck. Such as this reference from 1857:
Notwithstanding the prejudice against sailing on a Friday… most of the pleasure-boats… make their first voyage for the season on Good Friday.
Others theorize that Friday being unlucky predated Christianity. The name “Friday” was chosen in honor of the Norse goddess Frigg, who was the multitalented goddess of love, beauty, wisdom, war, death, and magic. Teutonic people are thought to have considered the day extremely unlucky, especially for weddings, due in part to the lovely goddess the day was named for. Later, the Christian church attempted to demonize the goddess, so that may or may not be a contributing factor as well.
Whatever the case, despite these quite old origin theories, well documented instances of the notion that Friday was popularly considered unlucky among the masses don’t seem to have popped up until around the mid-17th century. Within the next two centuries after that, the idea continued to spread and by the 19th century was nearly ubiquitous in certain cultures.
As for the unluckiness of the number 13, as with Friday, there are numerous possibilities for the origin, the most popular of which also stems from Christianity. It is considered incredibly bad luck to have 13 people sitting at a table for dinner, which supposedly is due to the fact that Judas Iscariot was by tradition the 13th person to be seated to dine at the Last Supper.
However, the Hindus also believed that it was bad luck for 13 people to gather together for any purpose at the same time.
Far away in northern Europe, the Vikings of ancient times told a very similar story. According to the old Norse myth, 12 gods were feasting at the banquet hall at Valhalla, when Loki, the god of Mischief, showed up uninvited. This, of course, brought the count of gods up to the dreaded number of 13. Loki then encouraged Hod, the blind god of winter and darkness, to murder Balder the Good with a spear of mistletoe, throwing all of Valhalla into mourning, and once again providing another example of a story in history that congregating with 13 for dinner is a bad idea.
So why all these separate religions having such a similar tradition of demonizing the number 13? There are those that theorize the number 13 may have been purposely denigrated by the founders of the patriarchal religions to eradicate the influence of the Mother Goddess. In goddess worshipping cultures, the number 13 was often revered, as it represented the number of lunar and menstrual cycles that occur annually. It is believed by those who adhere to this theory that as the 12-month solar calendar came into use over the 13-month lunar calendar, the number 13 itself became suspect.
It should be noted, though, that not all cultures in the ancient world recoiled at the number 13. The Ancient Egyptians believed life was a spiritual journey that unfolded in stages. They believed that 12 of those stages occurred in this life, but last, the 13th, was a joyous transformative ascension to an eternal afterlife. So the number 13 represented death to the Egyptians, but not death as in decay and fear, but as acknowledgement of a glorious eternal life. Of course, it’s always possible the association with death from Egyptian tradition later morphed into death in an unlucky sense later by cultures influenced by Egypt.
As with the notion of Friday being unlucky, “13” being popularly considered unlucky really seemed to gain steam around the 17th-18th centuries, and by the 19th century in the Western world was likewise extremely widespread in several different cultures.
So when did Friday and the number 13 join forces like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of bad luck to terrorize the masses? You’ll often read that it’s when the Knights Templar were arrested on Friday, October 13, 1307. However, that origin story is a modern notion with no basis in any documented history.
Others point to the last day of King Harold II’s reign on Friday, October 13, 1066. William of Normandy gave him the opportunity to relinquish his crown, which he refused. The next day William took it by force at the Battle of Hastings, causing Harold’s demise. Again, it is a modern idea that this is where the first “Friday the 13th is the ultimate unlucky day” notion came about.
It perhaps isn’t surprising, given that both Friday and “13” as unlucky didn’t reach their zenith in popularity until the 19th century, that it wasn’t until around the mid to late 19th century that the two were put together as the ultimate unlucky day.
One of the earliest references of this comes from a club formed by William Fowler. Fowler set out to prove that these sorts of superstitions are baseless. He thus formed a club known as “The Thirteen Club” in which club members would meet in groups of 13 to dine, with their first ever get together occurring, of course, on the unluckiest day of the week- Friday the 13th in January of 1881.
To thumb their noses even further at the fates, they had club members walk under a ladder before sitting down to a table in room 13 of the building they were in. They also made sure there was plenty of spilled salt on the table before they dined.
A slightly earlier documented reference comes from 1869, in the biography of Gioachino Rossini where the author, Henry Sutherland Edwards notes:
He [Rossini] was surrounded to the last by admiring friends; and if it be true that, like so many Italians, he regarded Fridays as an unlucky day and thirteen as an unlucky number, it is remarkable that one Friday 13th of November he died.
(Interestingly, traditionally in Italy, Friday the 13th was not considered unlucky, with 13 being often considered a lucky number there until extremely recently when Western European and American influence started to change that. For Italians, classically, 17 was the unlucky number and thus Friday the 17th became the Italian version of Friday the 13th. Nevertheless, Henry Sutherland Edwards was British so, though he was writing about an Italian composer, applied his own superstition to Gioachino Rossini.)
The notion of Friday the 13th being the unluckiest of the unlucky picked up steam from around this point and once we get into the early 20th century, there are numerous documented instances of people referencing it in this way, such as the 1907 novel by stockbroker Thomas W. Lawson called Friday the Thirteenth, which told of a stockbroker’s efforts to destroy the market on that ominous date.
So, aside from the popular “Friday the 13th” film franchise, what makes the Friday the 13th superstition stick so stubbornly in our collective consciousness? Psychologists point to the fact that if anything negative happens on that specific date, people make a permanent association between the event and the date in their minds, conveniently forgetting all those times Friday the 13th has passed uneventfully. In short, it is a classic example of confirmation bias.
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Bonus Facts:
- The Dutch Centre for Insurance Statistics in 2008 attempted to prove that Friday the 13th was no different than any other day. They ended up demonstrating the opposite. From their results, they found Friday the 13th is actually a slightly safer day to drive than other days, at least using two years’ worth of data from 2006-2008 in the Netherlands. In that span, there were an average of 7,500 traffic accidents on days that were both Friday and the 13th of the month. On Fridays that didn’t line up with the 13th, there were only an average of 7,800 accidents each day. Their theory is simply that, due to the phobia, less people drive on Friday the 13th and people are more careful when they have to. They also found similar trends with reported fires and crimes, with less happening on Fridays that coincide with the 13th day of the month.
- In many nations where Spanish influence is prevalent, rather than Friday the 13th being unlucky, it is Tuesday the 13th that holds that honor.
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In that span, there were an average of 7,500 traffic accidents on days that were both Friday and the 13th of the month. On Fridays that didn’t line up with the 13th, there were only an average of 7,500 accidents each day
These numbers are exactly the same!
When I click on “Why the seasons are called Summer Autumn Winter and Spring” I get “Why black cats are considered bad luck”
@Trevor: Thanks for catching that. Fixed it.
Knights Templar
On Friday, 13 October 1307 (a date sometimes spuriously linked with the origin of the Friday the 13th superstition) King Philip IV ordered de Molay and scores of other French Templars to be simultaneously arrested.
Relenting to Phillip’s demands, Pope Clement then issued the papal bull Pastoralis Praeeminentiae on 22 November 1307, which instructed all Christian monarchs in Europe to arrest all Templars and seize their assets. Pope Clement called for papal hearings to determine the Templars’ guilt or innocence, and once freed of the Inquisitors’ torture, many Templars recanted their confessions. Some had sufficient legal experience to defend themselves in the trials, but in 1310 Philip blocked this attempt, using the previously forced confessions to have dozens of Templars burned at the stake in Paris.
– From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Add this to things you learned today: King Harold II ruled ENGLAND, not France. That was King Phillip IV. I’m supposed to take any of this “research” seriously when an easily referenced fact is completely ignored?
@Marcus: I don’t see anywhere in the article where it says King Harold II ruled France. The battle referenced was indeed between Harold II and William of Normandy and was as stated.
Friday the 13th is from Chrisitan history…Judas was double faced. He pretended to be a friend of Jesus Christ, while behind his back he was rallying the people to revolt against him. Judas was the 13th one to be seated at the Last Supper, and according to Christianity Jesus was killed on a Friday due to Judas and his evil doings.
Commenter “none of your business” writes: “Judas …pretended to be a friend of Jesus Christ, while behind his back he was rallying the people to revolt against him.”
There is no evidence of such “rallying” anywhere in the Bible or elsewhere. This is an error or fiction that I had never encountered before in my long life.
The commenter continues: “Judas was the 13th one to be seated at the Last Supper”.
Again, there is no evidence of this anywhere. No one knows in what order the men got to the table. In addition, the gospel account tells us that, according to the custom of the time, they “reclined” on a sort of couch. They were not “seated.” They leaned on their left side and reached for foods and beverages that were on a separate table. It looked something like this:
i dont get it if it has so much to do with Christianity then why are we regarding it as unlucky because it helped to fill the prophecy of Jesus’ death to secure ce for us in the kingdom of God??? please help!!
I can’t find the author of this page. I see that it has the name “Kathy Padden” on the top, however, I can’t find her under the author page on this website. Who is the author and or where can I find their information?
Jesus symbolically represented GOD while his 12 disciples represented the 12 tribes of Israel, GODs chosen people. Judas represented the corrupt Pharisees of the Levite tribe, the corrupt priesthood who had betrayed GODS people for material gain and had led his holy people astray.
This is why Judas HAD to betray Jesus (or GOD), as symbolically he represented the Pharisees and their actions. Jesus had to die as a sacrifice, as Jesus being the sacrifice was to replace the older sacrifice system, as the Pharisees could no longer be trusted with the task. Jesus was the ransom sacrifice. His blood to replace the wine, and his body, the bread of the traditional Jewish pass over sacrifices.
13 were still the number that Jesus and the disciples made up, perhaps perceived by the Pharisees or Romans as trouble, as I guess from their perspective, revolutionaries of such would be.
Now, Friday, is the Day of the Sabbath for the Judaism. The Jewish holy day. This day is at the end of the 7 day week, so represents the number 7 in occult and religious numerology.
Those who oppose Judaism, hate all things Semitic, including religions which have been influenced or derived from Judaism. It is a common practice for those who oppose Judaism and who practice occult magick to use the religious holy days of their victims to perform magick on these days, which often involves subjecting their victims to some form of suffering.
Also, in some magick systems, the number 20 is considered powerful and is used by such people to perform magick. the 20th of April was Adolph Hitlers birthday making Hitler an Aries, associated with Mars the GOD of War. 20 also being considered to be some a powerful number because it is the combination of 6.66+6.66+6.66. Representing the ultimate evil, the Devil or Satan.
20 is also 9+11
20 is also 7+13 or…. in other words
Friday (7th day) the 13th.
13 is also 6.66 Plus 6.66
I’m sorry, but Hitler was NOT an Aries. 20th of April is a cusp, which are days when the sun leaves a particular house and enters another. 20th April is one of a kind as sun both LEAVES Aries and ENTERS Taurus on the same day, barring those on leap years. It takes precise calculations of an astrologer to determine by latitude, longitude, and time of birth to determine what house the sun was in.
In Hitler’s case, the sun was in Taurus, which is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love. Contradictory, isn’t it? His cruelness resulted from the fact that many planets were in Aries during his birth. Which is because, if earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn (also Virgo) have several planets in fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) they are very likely to be on the cruel, inhuman side.
By the way, I myself was born on 20th April.
Sadly, commenter “Justin James Roche” appears to have fallen under the influence of people who have written or spoken untrue things. Here are some quotations and corrections:
“Jesus symbolically represented GOD …”.
Genuine Christians are insulted by this comment, because we believe that Jesus always was (is, and always will be) God, not merely a symbol or a representation.
“Judas represented the corrupt Pharisees of the Levite tribe …”
There is no evidence of this. In fact, it was Matthew who is identified as “Levi” in at least one gospel account. Judas is more likely to have been from the tribe of Judah (his namesake).
“This is why Judas HAD to betray Jesus …”
Judas did not HAVE to do anything, since he was a man, not a machine, so he had free will to do what was right or what was wrong.
“Jesus had to die as a sacrifice …”
Jesus did not have to die as a sacrifice. He did not have to die at all in order to save us. Being God, he could have chosen a different way to save us … but he freely chose the way he chose (in union with the other Persons of the Trinity), and we accept it as being a demonstration of his wisdom.
“Now, Friday, is the Day of the Sabbath for the Judaism. The Jewish holy day.”
This is a glaring error, since Saturday is the Sabbath Day in Judaism — as almost everyone knows.
“Those who oppose Judaism, hate all things Semitic, including religions which have been influenced or derived from Judaism.”
I don’t know what is meant by “opposing Judaism.”
1. If the commenter’s idea is that Christianity opposes Judaism, then the above comment should be rejected. Christianity does not “hate all things Semitic.” Many Semites [i.e., descendants of Noah’s son, Shem] are Christians today.
2. If the commenter’s idea is that Moslems oppose Judaism, then the above comment should also be rejected, because Moslems are also Semites, so they do not “hate all things Semitic,” because they would hate themselves!
3. Many Arabs, in many nations, as well as some former Jews and non-Arab Moslems, have become Christians through the centuries.
“It is a common practice for those who oppose Judaism and who practice occult magick to use the religious holy days of their victims to perform magick on these days, which often involves subjecting their victims to some form of suffering.”
This is not a “common practice.” It is a rare one.
Unfortunately, commenter Kyra did not post anything beneficial. It is sad to see that she actually believes in astrology, which is a pseudo-science that has been totally debunked as unreliable. It appears that some people cling to astrology due to innocent ignorance, diabolical influence, or a seeking for the money that can be derived from fortune-telling. How sad!
Okay so Frigg is NOT Freja. Two VERY different goddesses
There were actually 13 tribes of Israel, not 12. Do the count, and you’ll see that most folks miss the fact, that the tribe of Joseph was split into 2 tribes : Manasseh, and Ephraim, hence the extra tribe (Remember: Truth is always in the details). These were the two dominant tribes of the 10-tribe Northern Kingdom of Israel, after its split from Southern Kingdom of Judah and Benjamin. Also, the 12 tribes of Israel mentioned in the last book of the Bible, the book of Revelation are 12 and not 13, thus they are missing one tribe – the tribe of Dan. Which also tells us that this is not a literal fleshly Israel that many Christians think it is, but a spiritual Israel, that also has many (maybe even a great majority of) non-Jews in its ranks. The Jewish people at Jesus’ time missed the opportunity to become a kingdom of “kings and priests” for all of mankind, because very few actually followed God’s firstborn in their manner of life and thinking. They failed collectively, at bringing light to the world of mankind alienated from its Creator. They failed to be loving to their non-Jewish neighbours, like the Samaritan in Jesus’ parable. Instead of becoming a “nation of priests and a holy nation”, ministering to humanity, who help humans reconcile to our heavenly Father, the Jewish nation became the biggest antagonist and the most hated nation on planet Earth, always needing divine protection to escape genocide (Exodus 19:6, Ezekiel 36:3). This is primarily due to their involvement in Kabbalistic magic practices (borrowed from Canaanites, and later “enriched” by Babylonian exile), involvement in usury (now, respectfully called “banking”) , exploitation of Slavic peasants in Eastern Europe, oppression of their Palestinian brothers and sisters, and heavy involvement in Freemasonry, which is a tool of New-World-Order.
One thing about the Jewish people is their perceived “chosen-ness”: any world, or local event is evaluated in terms of “How does it affect the Jews?” True, they were chosen, by God, but they failed in their assignment to bring the light of truth and hope to humanity enslaved to false Babylonian ideas. Failure is a part of human life that we all experience, however. I experience failure and disappointment daily.
The “Star of David” is not a Jewish symbol, but a symbol of the House of Rothschild, it’s an esoteric symbol found in many pagan, occult and mystery religions, and is well known in the pagan world, including in Edomite cult of Molech (or Moloch). Interestingly enough, in Hebrew the Star of David is “Maghen David Adom”. The word of “Adom”, like “Adam” means “red”, and the word “Edom” (the name of “Esau”, brother of Jacob, “the supplanter”), yes, it also means “red”. So, the current leaders of the Jewish community, and the leaders of worldwide Freemasonry, are not Jews, but descendants of forced Edomite converts to Judaism, masquerading as “Jews” (like king Herod, who massacred Jewish babies in Bethlehem, trying to kill baby Jesus).
Also, Jesus wasn’t an Almighty God, since his name itself, in Hebrew is an acronym (a shortened compounded name) that means “Jehovah is Salvation”. Bible testifies to that fact, when it says that God has never been seen by any human eyes, as it is impossible for a mortal human to see Him, the Great Spirit, and live (That’s what Jehovah said to Moses as well). Now, we know that Jesus was seen, in the course of his life, and 3.5 years of his ministry, by thousands of people while he was here on Earth, so he’s not the Almighty God , but Jehovah God’s representative here on Earth. If Jesus was God Almighty, why did he pray? Did he pray to himself, or a part of himself? And why did he ask for his Father’s name to be “hallowed”, or sanctified, and not his own? Also, the same Bible, written by 44 different Jewish men, says that God Almighty, cannot die and has no beginning or end. Jehovah is the only uncreated Being in the Universe(Habakkuk 1:12)
However, Jesus died. A dead person can not resurrect himself. It was Jesus Christ’s heavenly Father, Jehovah God Almighty, that resurrected the firstborn of all creation back to life. Jesus is the “firstborn of all creation”, because, unlike Jehovah, who always existed and never had a beginning (or end), Jesus did have a beginning. (Acts 17: 23,28). Jehovah God Almighty has never been seen by human eyes. And lets remember, human eyes only see 1% of electro-magnetic field that exists out there. There were visions of God given to Jewish prophets in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation, where God Almighty is described in human terms. The concept of trinity is Babylonian in origin (as most religious beliefs in the world are) and existed in many ancient pagan religions of Middle East, Egypt, Hindu religion and the like. Most religious symbols, like the cross, the crescent, the so-called star of David, and other esoteric symbols are all Babylonian in origin. In fact, the word Babylon means “confusion”, and it is the Babylonian priesthood, under demonic control, that designed our human civilization, from our banking and commercial institutions, to our political systems, to even basic religious ideas. The temples (ziggurats) were a centre of, not only religious demonic activity, they also, like all pagan temples, were places, where a lot of money was stored. So no wonder, that the sect of Judaism at the time of Jesus, that controlled the Temple of Jah on mount Moriah, The Saduccees were $$$-lovers. Jesus kicked the money-changers out of the Temple then and He will soon do the same to the modern-day money-changers and slave-drivers, who control the world banking system and keep all humanity enslaved to them through government debt and high taxes. Their worthless paper confetti, with a esoteric “eye of Horus” on top of a pyramid, is not backed by enough precious metal reserves. There’s another financial crash coming soon, the world economy is a house of cards ready to collapse. (Remember, Switzerland is the only country Hitler never invaded, where the Bank for International Settlements is headquartered, and he really put a lot of resources into bombing the city of London, where the House of Rothschilds are based)
The word “religion” is scarcely mentioned in the Bible, if at all. But the word “faith” is. That’s what Jesus said he wanted to see when he came back and re-establish Divine rule on this planet (where we are all slaves to Satanic misinformation and subtle and crafty manipulation of our minds through education system and the media).
The concept of democracy is also a sham, as the Koine Greek word “demos”, in the word “democracy, referred originally to “free wealthy slave-owners” who could vote in elections , and not “people” (as we are programmed to believe by the media and education system). The word for “people” is “ochlos” in Greek. So the word for “rule by the people” would be “ochlocracy”, and not “democracy”.
The word “media” itself is plural from the word “medium”, and people usually go to mediums (or psychics) for divination, to talk to dead people spirits (or demons masquerading as them) , or to cast or remove spells. Sure enough, most of what we see on TV is either violence, or sex, or various forms of demonism (zombies and the paranormal). Tell-lie-vision is tool of mass hypnosis and mass mind-manipulation. Have you ever felt good after watching the news?
Saturday may be the Jewish Shabbat, but Jews count the beginning of a day from sundown of the previous day. So, Jewish Sabbath did start on Friday evening.
Also, all the names of the days of the week (named after pagan gods), names of months (also named after pagan gods) , and almost 90% of “Christian” holydays are pagan, and not Christian in origin. Look it up on the internet. Saturday is after god “Saturn”, which is also the original name of “Christmas” – “Saturnalia” – the celebration of some equinox, or solstice, or some other Pagan, astrological mumbo-jumbo. Etymology of word can sometimes give us the clue to understand the real meaning of the word.
I do agree with you that the word “anti-Semitism” is absolutely a misnomer, designed purposely to distract and mislead sincere people in general. Arabs and many other people of Middle East and North Africa are descended from Shem and are cousins, if not close brothers of the Jewish people. Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, had four women with whom he fathered many nations, including Arabs, through his son Ishmael, by his concubine Hagar. Most Muslims believe that it was Ishmael that was to be sacrificed and not Isaac, as a foreshadow of God’s sacrifice of Jesus, but this is a clever misinformation on the part of author of the Koran. Most Muslims also lose sight of the fact that Koran was written in a span of few years by one man, while the Bible was penned by 44 different men, most of whom never met each other, and lived across a timespan of 1600 years. Isaac and the Jewish people are the rightful heirs of the promised Messianic Seed (Jesus Christ) that was promised to our great-grand mother Eve. She was expecting Cain to be it, but he turned out to be a murderer. Later, a seed of Abraham, a descendent of Shem, was promised to save humanity from slavery to sin and death (Genesis 3:15, Genesis 26:4)
Satanic Jews who sit at the top of current world power pyramid and hold all of the Jewish community hostage, are really “a synagogue of Satan”, because all their teachings are from the so called “oral law” and not from the Bible. Most Jews today are either leaving their faith, or even if they are members of a synagogue, they don’t attend and are very secular in their outlook. Too bad, because the divine qualities live in all of us, humans. The Rothschilds, and others of that sort, value the Talmud, the Mishna, the Shulhan-Aruch ,and other “commentaries on commentaries” on the Bible, more than the Word of God, the Bible itself. Also, these international bankers treat the ordinary Jews as nothing. This “Synagogue of Satan”, or cabal of international bankers (evolved from money-changers) has financed all sides of WW1, WW2 and sacrificed millions of Jews to Hitler and non-Jews in the greatest slaughter humanity has ever known. This “holocaust” or “burnt offering or sacrifice” was really meant to traumatize, scare and consolidate the power of the Satanic international bankers “Jews” over Jewish masses and their stranglehold on the Jewish community as a whole. As long as they control the Jewish community, they are invincible, because Jehovah promised to protect the descendents of Abraham, even at a cost to Himself and His Holy Name. The credibility of God’s Word hinges on the existence of the fleshly Jews. If Jews were exterminated, the Bible would lose all credibility as a historically credible book. Satan tried to destroy both – the Bible and the Jewish people. He failed. This one time, I’m rejoicing over some one’s failure.
The word for “anti-Semitism” should be “Judophobia”, but it would sound funny, because people might think you’re afraid of the Japanese art of Judo. As apostle Paul indicated, “he is not a Jew, who is such by birth, but he’s a Jew who has circumcised his heart” (Romans 2:28,29) Those who keenly are aware of their spiritual need and dependence on The Great Spirit in the Sky, The Creator, The First Cause, The Heavenly Father, are the real “Jews” in a spiritual sense, and not those who are born of fleshly Jewish parents. It is not Jews, that gentiles hate, but Jewish community’s support of the criminal Rothschild-financed State of Israel and the crimes that state and these bankers are perpetrating on hitherto unseen global scale, in God’s holy name. They commit these crimes against their own kind, the Jewish people too. The banksters are really misrepresenting God. They are committing these crimes against humanity in the name of Jehovah, which is a gross misrepresentation of what His firstborn, Jesus Christ taught Jews about our Heavenly Father. The God of Love, the Creator of all humans is not pleased with the NWO agenda. They will reap what they have sown, because days of the ruler of this messed up world, the rebellious angel, known as (Satan) the Devil, are numbered. This murderous thief and liar has abused humanity through deception and manipulation. No wonder then, that he “transforms himself into an angel of light”, or Lucifer – “the light bearer”. The Devil rules by distraction, deceit, manipulation, intimidation and blackmail. His rulership is a complete failure, as human governments under his control have failed to satisfy even the basic needs of their citizens. The end is near. The end to our collective human suffering under unjust Satanic rule of Babylon-inspired false ideas. That’s why things are getting so bad in world economy, with constant booms and busts, engineered market crashes and crises, that’s why there’s fear of the unknown, insecurity and hopelessness in the air. We are all waiting for the inevitable – we’ve already seen the original and future paradise archetype in our dreams and are subconsciously aware that a big change is coming to this prison planet we call our shared home. We are all God’s children, and we will be reconciled to Him, the Original Source, and comforted by Him soon. This nightmare of human self-rule under demon-inspired Babylonian false ideas, will soon be forgotten and not be called to mind. Jehovah will be preoccupying us with much more pleasant thoughts and activities int eternal future on a restored planet. We were all created in God’s image and likeness, and we all are capable of displaying these divine qualities , even the Rothschilds can do that too. The scope of humanity’s problem requires a miraculous divine intervention from a Higher Power. We cannot do it ourselves. No amount of transcendental meditation or wishful thinking on our part will change the status quo or 99% being debt serfs to the 1% of the1%. God is the only person with desire, knowledge and power to stop humanity’s suicidal march into the abyss of self-destruction. He will do it soon.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside.
Jehovah God is love, and LOVE, never fails.