10 Interesting Word & Phrase Facts August 2, 2011 Noreen Embed This Infographic <a href=http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2011/08/10-interesting-word-phrase-facts/"><img src="http://www.todayifoundout.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/10-Interesting-Word-and-Phrase-Facts-copy.jpg" title="10 Interesting Word and Phrase Facts" alt="English Language Infographic" border="0" class="nopin" /></a><br />Source: <a href='http://www.todayifoundout.com' title='Interesting Facts'>Today I found out</a> Expand for References and more Information 1. How ‘Gay’ Came to Mean ‘Homosexual’ 2. Why the Toilet is Commonly Known as “The Crapper” 3. The Words Moron, Imbecile, and Idiot Mean Different Things 4. Why Pencil “Lead” is Called “Lead” 5. Where the Words “Crayola” and “Crayon” Come From 6. The Word ‘Man’ was Originally Gender Neutral 7. How the Word “Spam” Came to Mean “Junk Message” 8. The Words “Blond” and “Blonde” are Not Wholly Synonymous 9. Where the Word “Mouse” Comes From 10. The Word “Mistletoe” Literally Means “Dung Twig” Share the Knowledge! Enjoy this article? Join over 50,000 Subscribers getting our FREE Daily Knowledge and Weekly Wrap newsletters: Subscribe Me To: Daily Knowledge | Weekly Wrap tagged with etymology, language infographic, word and phrases facts Featured Facts Infographic
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