I generally like your posts, but here are a few comments.
1. It’s impossible to copy and quote from images.
2. This format was really annoying to read, so I only read the first few sentences.
I suggest sticking to a normal text-based formats instead of the fancy and “fun” formats you guys have been using. I’m sure it would save you guys trouble too.
I generally like your posts. Here are a few comments.
1. It’s impossible to copy and quote from images.
2. This format was really annoying to read, so I only read the first few sentences.
I suggest sticking to a normal text-based formats instead of the fancy and “fun” formats you guys have been using. I’m sure it would save you guys trouble too.
This was great! I actually would disagree with Daniel; I loved the format. This was super informative without being dry! Good job I especially loved learning about why my stomach growls, mosquito bites & ice cream headaches! Things I honestly had never questioned before!
Oh shiiit. Things are FLOATING around in my eyeballs. Does this stuff build up as we age? Holy crap a moly. Mine are weird spiral things. AHHHH inside my eyeballs.
Slight correction. The “Floaters” that you see in your eyes are actually small pieces of your fetal eye. When you are a fetus, you have eyes that are there strictly to make sure your skull and cheekbones form correctly. When your body starts making your real eye, it forms around your fetal eye. Your body breaks it down and moves the pieces out of the eye through blood vessels. These blood vessels are removed before the entire fetal eye can be removed. These pieces of the fetal eye are what causes floaters, and they are only occasionally seen because it is only when the fetal eye drifts into the fovea (where light focuses, allowing you to see) that you see it.
Regarding, the pain in your side when running, are you refering to a so called stitch?
As I understood it this is caused when the body uses more oxygen than it has available to it, the body’s reaction is to try to anearobically repirate, which although the body does on a small scale (left over from our evolutionary process) it is not able to do so on a large enough scale. This causes the body to release lactic acid into the muscles and hence the pain. Your explaination of the various organs banging together is not correct!
In your bit about floaters, you make it sound like floaters WILL happen when you age. Not all people develop or see floaters. Perhaps the word “may” would have been a better choice than “will.” Informative website overall, and interesting to read.
The number of nerve endings definitely plays a role, but the key fact that you’re missing is that you make a very thin cut, severing the nerve endings. The area near the cut swells, and the gap between the two sides of cut tissue begin to connect again. This connects the nerve endings that you originally cut back together allowing them to feel how swollen they are. As your pulse is felt in your finger, the nerve endings are disconnected and reconnected, essentially triggering the ‘pain’ signals many many times per second. This is different from a normal wound where the same nerves are being activated over and over. Since your brain has a nice ability to ignore some of the pain if it is repeated over and over again, the normal wound will not hurt as much for as long.
your wrong about why you stomach growls, you stomach growls due to dehydration. The liquid levels in your belly are low causing the stomach acid to thicken, the growl yes is a muscular reaction, but its signaling dehydration not hunger. the reason we thing hunger is because when we eat, the food absorbs the stomach acid lowering the level
To hard to quote? You just typed your original asinine comment on a perfectly good keyboard. You could just re-write what you like, I assure it is still considered quoting. Worried about accuracy? PARAPHRASE!
I worry when a complaint can be about being too lazy to copy something without using a shortcut.
The first fact about the wrinkly toes is false. Wrinkly skin is actually a reaction from your body as a response to having to grip things while under water. It increases your ability to grip surfaces underwater and if a finger is dennervated (without a nerve) it won’t wrinkle at all because your body can’t tell it to.
I just read another article on your site explaining that the wrinkled skin is NOT caused by the absorption (osmosis) of water. I just thought I’d let you know that your site is contradicting itself. I do love your site
I generally like your posts, but here are a few comments.
1. It’s impossible to copy and quote from images.
2. This format was really annoying to read, so I only read the first few sentences.
I suggest sticking to a normal text-based formats instead of the fancy and “fun” formats you guys have been using. I’m sure it would save you guys trouble too.
I generally like your posts. Here are a few comments.
1. It’s impossible to copy and quote from images.
2. This format was really annoying to read, so I only read the first few sentences.
I suggest sticking to a normal text-based formats instead of the fancy and “fun” formats you guys have been using. I’m sure it would save you guys trouble too.
This was great! I actually would disagree with Daniel; I loved the format. This was super informative without being dry! Good job
I especially loved learning about why my stomach growls, mosquito bites & ice cream headaches! Things I honestly had never questioned before!
In the end…?
I liked this format too
but yeah it is impossible to qote this way.
I had no idea what causes the head ache while eating ice cream, but now I know!
Agreed with daniel, plus angling the text boxes is just a PITA to read
I really don’t like infographics, they are a real PITA to read and yours is no exception.
I liked the fun text stlyes! But I do agree with logos that the slanted text was hard to read. And tell us what happens in the end?
In the mosquito bites info it says “it causes more irritation and inflammation of the sight” when it should say site.
Oh shiiit. Things are FLOATING around in my eyeballs. Does this stuff build up as we age? Holy crap a moly. Mine are weird spiral things. AHHHH inside my eyeballs.
@triantha: “what happens in the end?” Sorry about that. The end got cut off on that one after some edits. It’s fixed now.
So those things that I see that I thought were giant bacteria are actually called floaters.
If bile form your gall bladder makes poop brown, why is my poop still brown after having my gall bladder removed?
Bile is produceby the liver – even if you have no gallbladder you still have bile- the gallbladder just stores and concentrates bile
Slight correction. The “Floaters” that you see in your eyes are actually small pieces of your fetal eye. When you are a fetus, you have eyes that are there strictly to make sure your skull and cheekbones form correctly. When your body starts making your real eye, it forms around your fetal eye. Your body breaks it down and moves the pieces out of the eye through blood vessels. These blood vessels are removed before the entire fetal eye can be removed. These pieces of the fetal eye are what causes floaters, and they are only occasionally seen because it is only when the fetal eye drifts into the fovea (where light focuses, allowing you to see) that you see it.
@mike:not quite the case. You can read in much more detail about what causes eye floaters here.
Regarding, the pain in your side when running, are you refering to a so called stitch?
As I understood it this is caused when the body uses more oxygen than it has available to it, the body’s reaction is to try to anearobically repirate, which although the body does on a small scale (left over from our evolutionary process) it is not able to do so on a large enough scale. This causes the body to release lactic acid into the muscles and hence the pain. Your explaination of the various organs banging together is not correct!
@Yahweh, it actually is correct.
Read significantly more detail about it here.
What about green poop?
alright it killed me when I saw that he said “to swell more noticeably THEN the rest of your skin.” ugh, i hate that mistake
@miles: I hate all typos.
I came here intending to make them aware of the typo. Thank you for saving me the trubel.
oh.. eye floaters, too bad. I thought I was seeing molecules and atoms or something.. I almost believed I was a superhuman.
In your bit about floaters, you make it sound like floaters WILL happen when you age. Not all people develop or see floaters. Perhaps the word “may” would have been a better choice than “will.” Informative website overall, and interesting to read.
Re: poop, biliruben is also a big part of its color.
Why paper cuts hurt so much:
The number of nerve endings definitely plays a role, but the key fact that you’re missing is that you make a very thin cut, severing the nerve endings. The area near the cut swells, and the gap between the two sides of cut tissue begin to connect again. This connects the nerve endings that you originally cut back together allowing them to feel how swollen they are. As your pulse is felt in your finger, the nerve endings are disconnected and reconnected, essentially triggering the ‘pain’ signals many many times per second. This is different from a normal wound where the same nerves are being activated over and over. Since your brain has a nice ability to ignore some of the pain if it is repeated over and over again, the normal wound will not hurt as much for as long.
I disagree with Daniel. Your post is hilarious and informative at the same time (equates to WIN) and fucking awesome. I vote, you don’t change a thing
your wrong about why you stomach growls, you stomach growls due to dehydration. The liquid levels in your belly are low causing the stomach acid to thicken, the growl yes is a muscular reaction, but its signaling dehydration not hunger. the reason we thing hunger is because when we eat, the food absorbs the stomach acid lowering the level
@pat: and your sources for this are?
To hard to quote? You just typed your original asinine comment on a perfectly good keyboard. You could just re-write what you like, I assure it is still considered quoting. Worried about accuracy? PARAPHRASE!
I worry when a complaint can be about being too lazy to copy something without using a shortcut.
The first fact about the wrinkly toes is false. Wrinkly skin is actually a reaction from your body as a response to having to grip things while under water. It increases your ability to grip surfaces underwater and if a finger is dennervated (without a nerve) it won’t wrinkle at all because your body can’t tell it to.
@keaton: sources?
wow… interesting facts…!!
I’ve got one more info: An average human being sheds 40 pounds of skin in his/her lifetime…!!
I just read another article on your site explaining that the wrinkled skin is NOT caused by the absorption (osmosis) of water. I just thought I’d let you know that your site is contradicting itself. I do love your site