10 Fascinating Food Facts

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  • “petit dejeuner” is French for breakfast.

  • thelittlestsasquatch

    Yeah, I’m not sure that “disnar” is a French word at all…

    • Daven Hiskey

      @thelittlestsasquatch: It’s an Old French word: Disnar or Disner, meaning “morning meal”. You can read more here and here and a quite a lot of other places. Google is a magical thing. 😉

  • Bigger meals in the evening are common in America, not everywhere in Europe, though.

  • In Brazil, the main meal (Almoço) is eaten in the middle of the day and a light meal, really a snack is eaten later in the evening and called “Jantar”. When you think about it, it makes sense. You do not go to sleep with a heavy meal in your stomach.

    Most places allow two yours for the main meal. So many people are off from noon until 2 PM and will work until 6 PM and have their evening snack at 7 or 8 PM.

  • This is nice and make me hungry

  • These are really interesting facts! A lot of things I never have even thought of “why.” I will definitely be sharing these at the table tonight!:)

  • The fact about purple carrots is really interesting 🙂 About the soft drinks there is one important thing – don’t drink ’em! Short and simple, just like they’ll make your life if you drink them too often. Great list of facts 😉

  • Very interesting. Especially the one about the baker’s dozen. Who knew those guys had such a dangerous job?!

  • the fact about the twinkie is very intersting and the carrot one is okward

  • Actually, it’s called a bakers dozen because Royalty (specifically) was always afraid that bakers were trying to poison them, so bakers had to make an extra (making their dozen 13) so that a designated food tester could eat the extra baked good in front of the King/Queen to prove that it wasn’t poisonous.

  • Love this post! I bought a package of purple, white and yellow carrots last year and do you know they all taste different! I reccommend the purple ones as they were sweet and lovely! Shall be growing them this year!

  • Had know idea that carrots were originally purple. Will definitely be looking for them in the supermarket to try them. My curiosity has me wondering how they taste. As for the Twinkies, I knew that one already since I am married to a route salesman for Hostess.

  • You IDIOT!!! You must NEVER use the redundant and excessively wordy phrase “due to the fact that”

    You use “since” or “because”

    How embarrassing to write a 5 word phrase when 1 word adequately replaces it.


    • Daven Hiskey

      @jt: “See Dick run” is also incredibly concise, but that doesn’t mean everyone should write like that everywhere. It is preferable to not be too repetitive in one’s “due to the fact that”, “since”, “because”, as”, etc. And I’d be the first to admit I sometimes fall into such habits. However, simpler in terms of word count isn’t always better. If it was, every work of literature today would be written like Willam Gray and Zerna Sharp’s seminal works.

  • there is no trace of ‘geoluhread’ in the OED, at all

  • Guleroed is what we danes call Carrots 🙂