Hitler was a Vegetarian
Today I found out that Hitler was a vegetarian. Now he wasn’t always a vegetarian. In fact, it was later in his life that he became one. Around the same time he was killing millions of Jews and millions more from other cultural backgrounds and trying to take over the world. Coincidence? I think not!
According to transcripts translated by Hugh Trevor-Roper, apparently on November 11, 1941 Hitler said, “One may regret living at a period when it’s impossible to form an idea of the shape the world of the future will assume. But there’s one thing I can predict to eaters of meat: the world of the future will be vegetarian.” In further conversations on January 12, 1942, he said, “The only thing of which I shall be incapable is to share the sheiks’ mutton with them. I’m a vegetarian, and they must spare me from their meat.”
He also liked to bombard dinner guests with graphic descriptions of slaughter houses he had visited in the Ukraine as a way to turn them off meat. In addition to this, while watching movies, any scene in a movie that had the killing, slaughtering, or otherwise abuse of an animal in it, he would look away and have someone tell him when it was over as he couldn’t bare to watch. In fact, he couldn’t bare it so much, that the Nazi party banned such scenes in film.
If this isn’t enough irony for you, consider the amazing number of animal rights laws the Nazi’s created and enforced. The Nazi’s banned commercial animal trapping and vastly restricted hunting among other things like restricting the shoeing of horses and banning boiling of lobsters. One fisherman was even sent to a concentration camp for cutting up a frog for use as bait. After passing many of these animal rights laws, Hermann Goring, a prominent Nazi party member, said those who “still think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property” will be sent to concentration camps… *head explodes*
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…You had me at ..bacon..
Hello, it looks like your site is up and coming in the
This fact is not 100% convincing, he cut down on meat because of his farting (lulz) but it’s not clear whether he was a committed veggie as most people understand the term.
The irony of it all!
No he wasn’t, he had bowl problems which cut down the amount of meat he ate but he ate meat and was especially fond of sausages.
The more you know….
@Ethan: Sources?
Oh, now I know how he killed the Jews, he played awful music!
Being a vegetarian, I actually enjoyed your article, even the joke itself was funny, up to the ‘note’ part which was just unnecessary. Now, I don’t expect you to understand constructive criticism due to the excess antibiotics and hormones in your diet, as well as being willing to eat pig belly fat, but do try to keep your clogged artery frustrations to yourself. That is all
Well said, Emma.
Thank you, Daven, for the interesting article, I’m just wondering whether if it’s entirely correct. Ethan may have a point, so let’s start digging for clues.
It is not “bare”. The word you are looking for is “bear” as in “hold up” or “support”.
Holy c**p! I did not know this, but I can see how it would appear as a coincidence until I recall when I myself go a couple of days without meat I get really tired and cranky
“he couldn’t bare to watch. In fact, he couldn’t bare it so much…” *bear*, as in “bearing a burden.”
“…the Nazi’s created and enforced. The Nazi’s banned…” *Nazis* – don’t use an apostrophe in a plural, only in a possessive. http://apostrophe.me
“Hermann Goring” *Goering* Jeez.
Later on Hitler life, the personal food taster, who is still alive i think, She told, Hitler food newer once had nothing else then fruits and vegetables (perhaps bread as well, but newer meat, even not fish).
Many other prominent nazis was also promoting Vegetarianism as it is higher intelligence and healthier food that human on highest form is accustomed better to be clear from darker spiritual influences.. they was a lot in to account so they know religion and magic stuff and how meat and dead body eating influences humans in mass scale.
It is one of the great fears of current world.. that truth comes out about bigger issues he was about. It was not about to be against nations, but against Roman enslavement of humans, against slave trade and against materialistic rules.
One specific rule of SS was they made to government, is to step out from ROMAN LAW.
Same time soviets was working on MASS SCALE in project like ANTI-plant, growth inhibitors, testing to make new human species and cacogenics, dysgenics among other toxic projects and electronical mind control projects.. also look one hitler favorite movie Metropolish that warns people about how five star pentagram with black magic will use spirit robots to control humans thought food and sex.
Easy as that.